Balau Wood

Yellow Balau


Scientific name Shorea spp (Dipterocarpaceae), as known as Balau, Resak, Selangan Batu and other. It is a popular hardwood species in Malaysia for wide range of heavy-duty applications.

One of the most durable and strongest wood in Malaysia (certified) that is widely distributed in Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines.


Freshly cut heartwood of Yellow Balau is yellow-brown, brown or brown with reddish tinge, weathering ultimately to a deeper shade of brown or reddish dark brown. With interlocked grain pattern that often giving rise to faint strip figure, as well as moderately fine to slightly coarse and even texture.

Balau Wood


Yellow Balau is certified by the Malaysian Timber Industry Board to be one of the strongest and most durable hardwood in Malaysia.

It is naturally durable and resists decay, fungal infestation and thermite attack.

Yellow Balau's high density makes it easily withstand harsh weather conditions, including exposure to moisture and sunlight.

Yellow Balau - Joined Staircase Sample


Yellow Balau is suitable for all form of heavy construction. Performs incredibly well for outdoor applications, care is needed for interior applications.

Ideal for heavy-duty flooring, decking, column, beam, fencing, door frames, window frames, high-end solid door, pergola and other building construction.

Featured Yellow Balau Projects

"Adorn your outdoor space with the timeless elegance of YELLOW BALAU, where its rich golden-brown hues and interlocked grain weave a tapestry of natural beauty."

Balau Wood - Outdoor Decking

Outdoor Decking

- Kiln dried and smooth planed.
- Finished size of 20mm x 95mm (1" x 4").
- Clear finish.

Balau Wood - Staircase


- Kiln dry with stepboard profile.
- Finished size of 38mm x 270mm
(1-1/2" x 11").
- Clear coat with a touch of complementary colour finish.

Window Frame

- Kiln dried and window frame profile.
- Customised sizes.
- Pre-finish.

Column and Beam

- Kiln dry and sanding processes.
- Finished size of 145mm x 145mm (6" x 6").
- Pre-finish.

Outdoor Park

- Kiln dried and sanded.
- Finished size of 20mm x 95mm (1" x 4").
- Walnut finish.

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